Day 9


Yesterday I had in mind try modeling the player character, but at the end I spent my time watching some DevLog style videos from R1GBY, LazyAlarm and Codeer on YouTube:

After a bit of procrastination, I instinctively opened Visual Studio and started fixing some minor problems. I redid the system that checks the ground, using now a sphere cast, instead of 9 raycasts.

I coded the logic to rotate the player slightly to the left or right when he turns.

I implemented a 180º turn like in the Mario 3D games: When the player changes direction abruptly, slips for a few seconds and changes direction at max velocity.

For last, I made a system to detect when the player is in contact with a wall to stop adding the forward velocity that moves the character, which caused it to keep floating in front of the wall.

Oh, and now I can determine if the player is turning right, left or backwards!

So at the end I did zero modeling xd 

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